Guarantees & responsibilities

Chateau CANET has taken all customary precautions to ensure both reliable information and secure access to its site However, Chateau CANET cannot, under any circumstances, guarantee the total absence of material error, technical or other deficiency. Likewise, no guarantee can be given as to the compatibility of the site with your particular means and uses.

Chateau CANET cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever related to the use of its site, and disclaims all liability for information contained on other sites that may be linked to its own by a hypertext link or any other means.

Protection of personal data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, updated by the law of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose data concerning you.

Chateau CANET
11800 Rustics,

Cookie regulations

A cookie is information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting.

The data thus obtained are intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site (store the content of a shopping cart, save language settings, etc.), and are also intended to allow various measures of attendance.
The regulations provide that websites must obtain your consent before depositing these cookies, tell you what they are used for and how you can oppose them.
On the site, cookies are only placed after your acceptance, expressed by clicking on the “I accept” button or by continuing to browse the site. .

And thank you to our local photographers, for beautiful shots of our Domaine all year round…